Now that everyone and every business is online, the competitive advantage has shifted from your offer (things look alike online) to the speed and convenience of order fulfillment (how fast can I get what I want with minimum effort?).
To win this moment, replace phone numbers in your sales funnel with popular self-service options like – “Book-Now, Inquire-Now, Pay-Now, Share-Now” and more to serve online guests instantly with no wait or delay.
It’s a win-win-win. Guests like the 24/7 service, staff have more time for guests, and management likes that guests do for themselves what they paid staff to do for them when everything led to a phone call.
Businesses across the country are using this self-service approach to streamline what was a time consuming process.
Here’s what can be booked self-service style:
Ticket sales | Waiver Management | Session Parties |
Private Parties | Event Signups | Group Events |
Embracing self-service not only enhances the guest experience but also optimizes your operations, making it a win-win-win for everyone involved.
If you’d like more information, do reach out to us:
Phone: 877-345-4012